SOCIAL  &  CULTURE &  TECNOLOGY



The pilgrim

"The pilgrim makes his way by walking and on the way he becomes Cultured"
Joseph nün, pseudonym of the author, is that pilgrim who throughout his life becomes aware of different cultures and thoughts.

"MIndline" concept that he develops in his works.
Mental lines that leave the communication of the work to the imagination of the spectator.

Line art expression that the author mentally lives.

Moments for the free communication of the artistic concept, between Work and Author.

In a Globalized World and in the era of Digitization, the author uses digital certificates with Blockchain technology that accredits him as the owner of the original work and guarantees of security in its sale.

Comunity   B&CC


Black & Chain Community promotes, encourages and organizes workshops to the general public, in the use of Blockchain technology, within the digital age and de-paperization, as a means of digital certification of any concept such as property accreditation.
We will apply technology in the Solution of Global problems that affect the quality of life of the Population, through the holding of scientific and technical workshops.


Among the members of the Cultural Community, one of the axes of Black & Chain Community is the promotion of culture, there are DJs, writers, photographers, painters,
digital artists, poets, sculptors,
creatives, who benefit from having a channel where they can publish their works, through the organization of cultural events, exhibitions
Common and Cultural workshops.


Black & Chain Community and all its members, decide to donate part of the income from their works as NFT, to the "QL" Foundation, to the Quality of Life of the Population.

All those people, Companies or Administrations as well as Institutions that acquire any work of the authors of the Community, will know that they also collaborate in a Social work.

                                                  COMUNITY MEMBER

                Black&Chain Collection.      

Upcoming events of the B&CC Community

    Sale of NFTś

Presentation of the story " My Grandfather and I "

   Magazine Edition
      "B&CC" 2022

Cultural Celebration
"Open Fair Culture"
 DJ "World"
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